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Platelet Rich Plasma Collagen Induction Therapy:
The Vampire Facial

For Hair Regrowth, Scar Fading, Skin Toning & Hyperpigmentation and Wrinkle Removal

Live More: Ethical Beauty also offers low cost, high quality "vampire facials".


This procedure involves taking several vials of a patients blood under sterile conditions in order to extract high quantities of platelets from the sample, which promote recruitment of tissue regenerating, collagen promoting factors.  We use a more thorough technique than standard guidelines required to ensure the highest concentration of these factors are extracted, such that our refuse product is of the same quality to what is used by other practitioners under the label Platelet Rich Plasma. This comparatively platelet poor plasma is still effective however and can be applied at no extra cost.

Thousands of tiny holes are then created in the skin surface to be treated using a large quantity of very fine needles that are measured to the depth required to the treated area. This procedure alone has been shown to promote hair regrowth and scar fading. Applying the platelets and regenerative factors to the treatment area amplifies this result.

PRP micro needling results in a strong inflammation response and rapid recruitment of cells which produce collagen, the primary constituent of scar tissue. 

This fine meshwork of rapidly developing micro-scar tissue deep under the skin promotes tightness in the shallower, visible skin. This tightness reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fades and fills scars including Pitted Acne Scars, Keloid Scars, Stretch marks, Surgical Scars and Electrolysis Scarring

This prolonged state of inflammation and excess of regenerative factors also promotes the formation of new blood vessels and with it, new  hair growth. Platelet Micro needling is an empirically proven way to both awaken dormant hairs beneath the skins surface and strengthen existing hairs, resulting to thicker, fuller hair.

This treatment is particularly effective at reducing the effects of male pattern baldness and blunting widows peaks in our Transfeminine patients. It is a viable cheaper, but slower alternative to hair transplants and can be comfortably combined with topical minoxidil for maximum effect without requiring persistent lifelong use.

This treatment can also aid in the development of thicker, coarser beard hair and therefore may be desirable to our Transmasculine Patients. It is a quick procedure with results visible within 2 weeks that can become permanent with as few as 2 treatments. 

  • The procedure as whole takes between 45 and 90 minutes.

  • Treatment is performed by a Qualified Registered Nurse.

  • Patients will be asked to fill in a medical history and PRP suitability Questionnaire Online. 

  • There is No Downtime, you can go right back to work. 

  • Possible minor side effects include temporary Bruising, itching, swelling, dryness, puffiness and redness. 

  • If experiencing Severe nausea, Severe pain, Dizziness or possible signs of infection, please contact us immediately. 

Absolute Medical History Contraindications:

  • Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

  • Lupus 

  • Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Scleroderma

  • Sjogren's Syndrome

  • Recurrent Vasculitis

PRP also promotes hypersensitivity to Sunlight and UV exposure and should be used sparingly in conjunction with other procedures that can promote UV related skin damage. This includes:

  • No Laser Hair Removal for at least 2 weeks before and after.

  • No Electrolysis for at least 1 week before and after.

  • Minimal direct sun exposure for 2 weeks before and after.

  • No Alcohol based products immediately before or after treatment 

  • No Makeup for 24 hours

  • No Sweating or strenuous exercise for 48 Hours. 

  • DO NOT Exfoliate. Skin will appear flakey for a few days post treatment. 

It is also important to be mindful of and regulate use of photosensitising medications such as:

  • Antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, levofloxacin, ofloxacin, tetracycline, trimethoprim)

  • Antifungals (flucytosine, griseofulvin, voricanozole)

  • Antihistamines (cetirizine, diphenhydramine, loratadine, promethazine, cyproheptadine)

  • Cholesterol lowering drugs (simvastatin, atorvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin)

  • Diuretics (thiazide diuretics: hydrochlorothiazide, chlorthalidone, chlorothiazide.; other diuretics: furosemide and triamterene)[[SPIRONOLACTONE IS SAFE]]

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, naproxen, celecoxib, piroxicam, ketoprofen)​

  • Phenothiazines (tranquilizers, anti-emetics: examples, chlorpromazine, fluphenazine, promethazine, thioridazine, prochloroperazine)

  • Psoralens (methoxsalen, trioxsalen)

  • Retinoids (acitretin, isotretinoin)

  • Sulfonamides (acetazolamide, sulfadiazine, sulfamethizole, sulfamethoxazole, sulfapyridine, sulfasalazine, sulfasoxazole)

  • Sulfonylureas for type 2 diabetes (glipizide, glyburide)

  • Alpha-hydroxy acids in cosmetics


Pricing is Categorized by the surface Area of the treatment zone as this reflects the amount of blood that will need to be taken, as well as the length of time required for the session. Below Is a list of Major and Minor Zones, please read from the list and simply select the appropriate booking for you from our Make a Booking page.


  • Full Face (Skin Laxity/Anti Aging)

  • Full Scalp (Male Pattern Baldness)

  • Décolletage

  • Full Neck

  • Large Scar

  • Post GAS Surgical Scarring

  • Stretch Marks

  • Cellulite

  • Deep Scars, Surgical Scars or Burns.

  • Rosacea

  • Shoulders

  • Chest

  • Abdomen

  • Upper Back

  • Lower Back

  • Hands

  • Upper Arm

  • Lower Arm

  • Hip 

  • Buttocks

  • Leg

  • Thigh

  • Knees

  • Feet



  • Widows Peaks (Hair Regrowth... Vegeta Lines)

  • Trans Masculine Beard Treatment

  • Electrolysis Scarring

  • Acne Scar

  • Eye Wrinkles 

  • Cheek

  • Cheekbone

  • Chin

  • Lips

  • Nose

  • Orbits Around Eyes

  • Eyebrows & Glabella

  • Forehead

  • Enlarged Pores (Spot Treatment)

  • Fine Lines

  • Lip Wrinkles

  • Shallow Face Scar

  • Skin Laxity

  • Jowls

  • Collarbone 

  • Neck



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